
ComPrisms are a new class of ophthalmic prisms. They have been designed by PAI to reduce aberrations and improve the optical acuity and contrast sensitivity of ophthalmic prisms. As a result, the optical performance of ComPrisms for powers of 25PD and more is dramatically better than that of standard ophthalmic prisms or Press-on Fresnel prisms. Improvement in visual acuity of 2-4 Snellen lines have been reported depending on prism power1.

Correct-a-Prizm is a demonstration device that enables eye care professionals and their patients to see the improvement that ComPrisms can provide before they are ordered. By inserting a standard 37mm conventional prism into the device, Correct-a-Prizm converts the standard diagnostic prisms into ComPrisms and the improvement offered by ComPrisms is easily noticed. If you would like to buy a Correct-a-Prizm, please contact us.

PAI has a US patent (6,934,084) and trademark for ComPrisms. ComPrisms were developed with the help of a grant from the National Institute of Health (NEI Grant # 2R44 Ey 10279-02).

Ref. 1 - M. Katz, Optometry 2004, 75, 503-8; M. Katz, Optometry 2004, 75, 509-16.